Welcome to repo.vfrott.ca!

This is the home of the vfrott.ca Debian repository.

For redundancy the repository meta-package and SHA256 sum are also available at pa28.github.io/Repository. There are three repository packages each supporting a different release and platform: Raspberry Pi OS Buster and Bullseye; Debian derivatives on Intel/AMD. In the list below you will find the package link and SHA256 checksum for the package. I recommend you follow these steps:

Package SHA256SUM
vfrott-bullseye_1.0.1-1_all.deb bef3ab3b61d99ce04558b8358d2194384622a8b338685095bcaacc79a5e10df9
vfrott-buster_1.0.1-1_all.deb b33525f1c70b03d335a08461b3db09ebfa597ad59f719ba24ce5436ca9468ad7
vfrott-stable_1.0.1-1_all.deb aabc13b90d250e1c6d94276c9f911faac282e98377283b9519115e960b3118df
vfrott-bookworm_1.0.1-1_all.deb 685942d4be43d115e79d2021fef0947a3fb85e37c89e5f5c4a63395675fdb5b0

In the lists below, if the Package name is a link it leads the the package homepage. The Version is hyperlinked to the package file.

Buster - Stable Packages specific to Raspberry Pi OS Buster.
Package Version Architecture Description
aprs_wx 0.3.2 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
aprs_wx 0.3.1 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
aprs_wx 0.3.0 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
aprs_wx 0.2.8 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
aprs_wx 0.2.7 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
aprs_wx 0.2.6 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
hamclock 4.0.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.8.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.10.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 4.0.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.8.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.10.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
sys_monitor 0.3.2 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
sys_monitor 0.3.1 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
sys_monitor 0.3.0 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
sys_monitor 0.2.8 armhf APRS_WX built using CMake
vfrott-buster 1.0.1 all The Raspberry Pi OS Buster stable repository for vfrott.
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc5 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc4 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc3 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc2 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc1 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.5.4 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.5.2 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
yaac 0.1.167 armhf Installation package for YAAC Yet Another APRS Client.
yaac 0.1.165 armhf YAAC built using CMake
Bullseye - Stable Packages specific to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye.
Package Version Architecture Description
aprs_wx 0.3.2 armhf CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.3.1 arm64 CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.3.1 armhf CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.3.0 arm64 CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.3.0 armhf CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.2.8 arm64 CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.2.8 armhf CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.2.6 arm64 CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
hamclock 4.0.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 4.0.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.8.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.8.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.10.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.10.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 4.0.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 4.0.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.8.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.8.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.10.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.10.10 armhf A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
sys_monitor 0.3.2 armhf Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.3.1 arm64 Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.3.1 armhf Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.3.0 arm64 Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.3.0 armhf Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.2.8 arm64 Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.2.8 armhf Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.2.6 arm64 Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.2.6 armhf Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
vfrott-bullseye 1.0.1 all The Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye stable repository for vfrott.
wsjtx 2.5.4 arm64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.5.4 armhf WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
yaac 0.1.167 arm64 Installation package for YAAC Yet Another APRS Client.
yaac 0.1.167 armhf Installation package for YAAC Yet Another APRS Client.
Bookworm - Stable Packages specific to Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye.
Package Version Architecture Description
hamclock 4.0.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.8.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock 3.10.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 4.0.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.8.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.10.10 arm64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
All - Stable Packages for general Debian derivatives, mostly AMD64.
Package Version Architecture Description
aprs_wx 0.3.1 amd64 CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.3.0 amd64 CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
aprs_wx 0.3.0 armhf CWOP Weather packet aggregator.
cpp_local_time 0.1.11 amd64 cpp_local_time built using CMake
hamclock 3.10.10 amd64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hamclock-systemd 3.10.10 amd64 A capable visual clock for amatuer radio.
hello-world 0.0.5 amd64 A program that prints hello
sdl2-gfx 1.0.4 amd64 ferzkopp's SDL2_gfx library.
sys_monitor 0.3.1 amd64 Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.3.0 amd64 Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
sys_monitor 0.3.0 armhf Push computer operating statistics to an influxDB.
vfrott-stable 1.0.1 all The general stable repository for vfrott.
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc5 amd64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc4 amd64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc3 amd64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc2 amd64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.6.0-rc1 amd64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.5.4 amd64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
wsjtx 2.5.3 amd64 WSJT-X: Digital Modes for Weak Signal Communications in Amateur Radio
yaac 0.1.167 amd64 Installation package for YAAC Yet Another APRS Client.
yaac 0.1.165 amd64 YAAC built using CMake
All - Testing Packages for general Debian derivatives, mostly AMD64.
Package Version Architecture Description
hamchrono 0.1.0 amd64 An amateur radio themed time piece.
rose 0.1.0 amd64 A lightweight GUI library built on SDL.
rose-dev 0.1.0 all A lightweight development GUI library built on SDL.